Bishop Gilbert Patterson Preaching Presidium

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Best wishes for promotion
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Bishop G.E. Patterson Live! Sermons & Singing 1939 - 2007: The Life

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Bishop GE Patterson The Power of a Song | Patterson, Songs, Preaching

Bishop Patterson preachin on Holiness part 2 - YouTube

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Bishop Patterson preachin on Holiness part 2 - YouTube

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COGIC Presiding Bishop G.E. Patterson Preaching Back in the Day - YouTube

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Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson of the COGIC 02/21 by Freedom Doors
Bishop G.E Patterson Singing Old School Church Songs during the COGIC

Bishop G.E Patterson Singing Old School Church Songs during the COGIC

Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson of the COGIC 02/21 by Freedom Doors

Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson of the COGIC 02/21 by Freedom Doors

Bishop GE Patterson An Interruption In a Divine Plan - YouTube

Bishop GE Patterson An Interruption In a Divine Plan - YouTube

Bishop Gilbert Earl PATTERSON Advice For YOUNG Preachers and Ministers

Bishop Gilbert Earl PATTERSON Advice For YOUNG Preachers and Ministers

Cogic Bishop G.e. Patterson Dies At 67

Cogic Bishop G.e. Patterson Dies At 67

G E Patterson | The New Birth intro | Sermons.jesus - YouTube

G E Patterson | The New Birth intro | Sermons.jesus - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson Live! Sermons & Singing 1939 - 2007: The Life

Bishop G.E. Patterson Live! Sermons & Singing 1939 - 2007: The Life

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