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Bishop G.E. Patterson Preaching "Call His Name" - YouTube

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Bishop GE Patterson- 'Voices In the Crowd'-PALM Sunday Sermon - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson | iHeart

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KCHL Praise Radio - San Antonio, Texas - Funeral Arrangment for Bishop

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Bishop G E Patterson The purpose of the Gospel 632x480 - YouTube

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Bishop G E Patterson The Dawn Of A New Day 01/25 by Freedom Doors
Bishop G E Patterson You Can Recover It All 11/26 by Freedom Doors

Bishop G E Patterson You Can Recover It All 11/26 by Freedom Doors

Bishop G.E. Patterson - Topic - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson - Topic - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson Preaching "Call His Name" - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson Preaching "Call His Name" - YouTube

Bishop G E Patterson COGIC 05/18 by Freedom Doors Ministries | Christianity

Bishop G E Patterson COGIC 05/18 by Freedom Doors Ministries | Christianity

Bishop G E Patterson COGIC 05/18 by Freedom Doors Ministries | Christianity

Bishop G E Patterson COGIC 05/18 by Freedom Doors Ministries | Christianity

Bishop GE Patterson- 'Voices In the Crowd'-PALM Sunday Sermon - YouTube

Bishop GE Patterson- 'Voices In the Crowd'-PALM Sunday Sermon - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson | iHeart

Bishop G.E. Patterson | iHeart

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